Conversation Between *sky and lokuri

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hi *sky.
    You should come back to RPing.
    There are a few RPs that have promise, yet haven't gone into the plot much yet.
  2. Wooo your back!!! Maybe Ill come back to RPing
  3. Cool. :o
    Any way of me knowing what it is about, or do I just have to wait?
    At any rate, I'll try my best to join. :o
  4. A whole new one. We havent released it yet. It's still in works
  5. Cool, what is it? :o Is it the one that was just made, or another one?
  6. Just to tell you Lokuri that Kain and I are working on a BIG RP for the board. We are working together and hope we can make a really good one. You better join =P
  7. Ahhh...well, in that case, you live quite close to home. :o
  8. No friends =( lol... Well I was home then had to drive 4 hours back to college. Ill try to read up on the story! =)
  9. A four hour ride home?!
    More importantly...
    why is your Visitor Messages so low?! :o

    But yeah, I would die if I had to take four hours just to return home.
    I get annoyed when it takes an hour to get home on the late bus. :o
    Then again, I have reason to...if my mom can get me to school in...
    five minuts(?), then it should not ever take an hour. :x
  10. Thanks. Ill post within the next day or so. Gotta drive back home which is 4 hrs long BLAH
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 31
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