Conversation Between Elegance and boinker

39 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey! Im back on the interwebz, Got team fortress 2, and left 4 dead 2, might get back on Lost saga too..since its updated so muchhh
  2. I havn't played it in awhile due to exams next week D;
  3. I agree!~ Though I'm rather unfocused as of late..xD
  4. Hey you, we need to play LostSaga together again sometime D:
  5. Yeah so..if you got on whats your other characters name so i can add you? I have a room set up right now

    Room name: OnRPG Saga
    pass: cook
  6. Alright :33
  7. Mkay. lemme try.
  8. Use IE8 like I am, its only me and bryan Dx
  9. I sure can't. Dx
  10. Can't get on ele~?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 39
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