Conversation Between Befram and Takesh

49 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah it's alright for me. Better than leaving him forgotten I guess, and yeah I probably read hh from time to time to see whats happening^^ be fun to see how it turns out.
  2. Ah, you answered my question before I was able to even ask. I thought something like this was going on since you were becoming more and more inactive. Thanks for sticking with my RP and take care ^^. I hope I'll see you again as active as ever one day ^^.

    If possible, try to read Happy Home every now and then. Either me or Moratorium will definitely "seal" your character in one of our posts. Of course we won't kill him, we'll just create an ending for Basil. Is that ok?
  3. Ok good news I guess, tommorow, or today I guess I definitivly be posting. I finally came up with an idea how to solve Basils problem^^.
  4. Well, I helped you out slightly by moving on ^^. That is a nice pickle though.. perhaps Basil could "change" something else? You could come up with something completely new ^^.
  5. No I actually need a little push from time to time, this post in particular I'm having trouble with isn't helping me either. I mean, would he even want to stop it seeing as Bazil was the result of him losing his arm? That's the answer I'm trying to find at the moment^^
    Luckily the fotball match yesterday I went to have given me an positive push, seeing as we won^^
  6. I thought I'd let you know that Basil is the only one who hasn't gone through his past yet ^^. I don't want to pressure you or anything but at the moment Happy Home is progressing awfully slow. I'm actually anxious to see how Basil lost his arm(well I know how he lost it but you know), of course if that's the memory he'll go into. Anyway, try to post ^^.
  7. Weather is amazing indeed, but discussing someone elses injuries as a side topic? I never heard about that one before, might give it a try someday. Luckily I know a few people whose into sports^^.

    School in a few weeks,,, what happened with the summer break all of a sudden?_? Oh well, that's the cycle of school for you. Lets enjoy it to the maximum!

    Glad to hear you're doing good anyway, at least for that one unfortunate accident but can't always be sunshine in life I guess, sometimes it needs a bit of rain for you to appreciate the good times. That being said I just hope it wasn't anything too serious.

    Enough about that, how am I doing you say? Well quite well I think, I had my vacations and my summer rest and hanged out with friends a bit, all in all a decent summer I think. Had my own little downside too of course, but lets stay clear of that one as well^^. Beffy out!
  8. Discussing about weather is exactly an "emergency" topic ^^. I'm surprised how many times I've used it even though I know it's so used up. Next up comes whatever injuries or such you've gotten lately. It's quite amazing really, people do think alike even though they are different ^^.

    I'm doing rather good, although the start of yet another school year is only a few weeks away. I'm taking all I can from these last few weeks I have ^^. Nothing especially new has happened, well except I got myself a driver's license ^^. Then there's also something sad that happened a while ago, but I don't wish to bring you down because of that. All in all, summer has treated me well ^^.

    What about you?
  9. Also realized today I got you on my friend list but havn't posted here in ages either, now why is that? Probably because of the very same reason I have problems with right now, what in the world shall I pick as an topic?_? I just talked a bit about weather so don't feel like using that one just yet, one time is fine but if I use it two times it feels like an emergency topic. A quite useful one though, you can always talk a bit about the weather, well not if you live in the same area though,,, "hey it's really sunny today, yeah it is" you don't get a lot of room to broaden the topic:P.

    I think I have been going on for long enough now so lets get to the main question which I came up with right now, not a very original either but nothing can beat the classics, just watch charlie chaplin. So how are you doing? Anything fun that been happening recently?
  10. Hehe yeah I shall, my post will come either today or tommorow, depends on how the course of my day turns out, but most likely tommorow since I be going with a friend later on. Lets just hope I can manage to not run away for a week again^^.
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