Conversation Between Fieryfly and Takesh

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've posted on Happy Home since it was dead silent there. Now we can progress ^^.
  2. You know you can send the same message to everybody by using a PM and then add more names to the send list.

    But thanx I'm heading for about I guess 50 kilometres from here xD just to some small campside with some of my friends to celebrate our freedom. Well first I have to do my test of Physics again >.> since I want a higher mark.

    I'll try posting before I leave though.
  3. I posted in Happy Home. This is really getting annoying though. Why can't I just copy & paste the message I'm going to write to everyone? I always have to make a different message to everyone. Anyway I said it because I had to edit the post inside my post, or something like that. So complicated.. Oh! Have a nice trip by the way ^^.

    May I ask where you're headed?
  4. Ah! Good to hear that your Internet's back up ^^. Please don't bow to me, I'm not some kind of god .

    But you still have school? Well, a testweek it seems but still? Such a shame, I almost feel guilty for running wild and free here ^^. No but I hope your torment will end soon!
  5. Oh I forgot to tell you >.> My internet is back up I told Lokuri and Farag0n but stupid stupid I forgot you.

    *Makes a bow*

    I'm sorry. I'm back now and I will remain active (hopefully) although I have a testweek en Biology and Physicks are killing me...
  6. Oh alright ^^. Well ask if anything comes up ^^
  7. Haha I left it there by accident. I was going to type something but after reading your message carefully I did (somewhat better) understand it. Seems I never erased it
  8. What don't you understand? ^^
    I explained the whole deal in one of lokuri's visitor messages. If that doesn't clear it up, ask again ^^. I know this can be confusing. Hell, I'm as confused as you probably are.
  9. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for telling ^^
  10. I have catched some very bad cold which gives me headaches and all that kind of stuff so writing will not be there until it has become less. I though I just tell you so that you did not thought that I had given up on your RP

    Btw Liam is not really going to respond for she in shock so maybe a Reassurer should drop by to take her to her room (and get angry on Ethan for making so much trouble although he didn't :P)
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 47
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