Conversation Between Testeagle and KillHannah

31 Visitor Messages

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  1. Same here dewd.
  2. I prefer the whole face, but maybe that's just me
  3. I'm a doctor in training I'll give you the once over 0.o
  4. OMG!

    Call the Doctor!

  5. 911 posts zomg!
  6. pink hair now?
  7. Robert... dazzling....meh I can think of better people to nibble on me 0.o
  8. No, thank you.

    I can't believe you weren't dazzled by him!

    Blasphemy i say!
  9. I was not overly impressed by him in a movie I recently saw *cough twilight cough*. Thanks for having me aboard
  10. How can you not be memorized by Robert?!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 31
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