Conversation Between Bryan and Proxzor

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Stop talk talk talking like bla bla bla

    boredz X_X
  2. Bryan marry me and tell me how APB is when youre playing ;o
  3. Whatever I want. Yep, OnRPG + Blackberry = win. :P
  4. Yo Bryan.. still onrpgaddicted? What mmo are ya playing mate?
  5. GET yer Rock *** on xfire!
  6. You remind me of someone..

    Hi.. How ya doing?
  7. Mr Ignore :[ Youre probably playing AION by now.. greedy Bryan
  8. oh... and it starts on my birthday.. :O So just give me a 1hour gift kthxbai
  9. PLEASE let me try it on your account for 1hour when you are asleep... I just quit AoC because I want to play this but want to know if its worth it :O I beg you (: Ill even send you some dutch bacon! /beglike9yearoldkidoff
  10. Yes, i do have access
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 37
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