Conversation Between Lawliet1 and Groteske

234 Visitor Messages

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  1. Your right.

    Through the pain iv'e endured i learned that if i can make someone think "life doesn't seem so bad after all" it means the world to me.

    Alot of people turn a blind eye to others in pain,i know this,and i never want to be that way.
  2. Why? Suffering educates the soul.

    And hm I will only find my happiness either at the end of a gun barrel or in a sea of $$$. Which ever happens first.
  3. To be honest i hate when people are depressed.

    And you're such an easy person to care about! One of these days i truly do hope you find happiness.
  4. LOL I'm just joking with you. :3 It's sweet that you ask or care or whatever! Bwuhahahahaha. Perhaps in my past life you were one of my many wives. Or maybe a slave. Hm. <333
  5. I knew asking that was going to end bad =_=

    I was just curious.I don't ask anyone else how they're doing except you.
  6. Ok? I'm bipolar! I'm ok now I'm shitty then. Ok, shitty, ok, shitty, sad, happy, content, angry, pissed off, annoyed, joyous, pious, gleeful. Sexy.... You know! How are you? When did you barecum a therapist?
  7. hahaha.

    Well now that this is been ok?
  8. LOL You just made me think of Lady Sovereign. God she's amazing. Anyways you know you can always sleep on the couch? I think it folds out into a torture chamber. Something like that.
  9. Your chest is not hairy enough for me to build a nest there.

    I shall gather leafs and twigs and return to the bosom of my sovereign.
  10. Predecessor? I am god to the sheep who dwell against my bosom.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 234
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