Conversation Between Groteske and SnOwBunZz

133 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey baby. How's it hanging? Fluffy? Niiice.
  2. Cherry?

    *sucks even harder* x3
  3. Hmm if you suck any harder.....the tip is gonna turn into a cherry.

    I suggest we stop this and play a board-game.
  4. Why should I chew on my favorite straw? o.o

    There isn't coming anything out of it though.
    *sucks harder*
  5. That's not a straw! Please don't chew on it....
  6. I don't know. o.o
    I need my milk anyways!
    *start sucking milk through a big straw*
  7. Ugh... When did I start lactating?

    It's not that time of the month!!!
  8. Milk is good to grow!
    *drinks more milk from Groteske*
  9. So then your milk is good for my *****?
  10. Milk is healthy! :3
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 133
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