Conversation Between Anglo and Takesh

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  1. I am so sorry I haven't replied in a long time, I've been mostly skimming through Onrpg on my phone, and it automatically signs me in, however it doesn't allow me to sent VMs for some reason .

    Yes, Alucard is quite the bad @ss, but I've had to put the series on hold for a while so that I could finish school work and other personal matters. I was first watching the original Hellsing and then the OVAs, which I just started, and I'm quite enjoying it. To be honest, I just love japanese voice acting, I can't tell whether it is bad voice acting or what not because I don't understand the language so everybody sounds epic in it haha, I've never liked dubbed cartoons because the person that voices the protagonist always puts on like a drawn out over exagerrated speech worthy of only being put into badly dubbed porn or something like that...where all the acting I'm trying to point at! ANYWAY! MOVING ON! Yes its always nice to experiment ^^ .
  2. Heh, I just knew it was Alucard immediately when I saw your avatar ^^. Are you watching the OVA versions of Hellsing? If you aren't I strongly recommend that you do. The normal anime can't compare with those versions. The whole world is psychotic and everyone wants to rip each other's throats out. Really gritty and different. On a side note, I watch the dubbed versions since I just adore Alucard's voice in those. For once, which doesn't happen often, the dubbed version sounds better than the original Japanese version (well at least that's my opinion).

    Oh, and no the half-moon glasses are just fine ^^. I just experimented with the lighting effect that's so famous in animes.
  3. Goodnight Takesh!

    Now that everythings in order I suppose we call breathe easy and relax!
  4. Haha! Oh my, why indeed? ^^. Hmm.. perhaps because he requests it himself? Perhaps he wants a good challenge in order to keep the "rust" out? Something along those lines ^^.

    Ah, yes, now everything fits in nicely ^^. Both apprentices have a backstory with Nilak.. and perhaps I'll leave it at that. I don't think more apprentices is needed since moving in a big group is rather hard especially if you're escaping.

    But now I must bid you good night! Early start tomorrow ^^.
  5. Thatrs actually a great idea! But...why would Nilak, a respected and cheered champion be thrown into the pit for?...

    I think it should actually happen on a daily basis, meaning that our characters had a chance to bond over the course of time and also meaning that it would only be obvious you would select me as one of your apprentices and also why you would take me along with you during the escape because we fight well together.
  6. Yes! Excellent idea ^^. This is only a suggestion.. but perhaps Odhran is thrown into the pit with Nilak against all those Tainted.. out of cruelty? Nilak is being cheered while everyone wishes Odhran to actually die than win (only happens during the night of course). BUT! As time goes on.. the people notice how well the two "work" together and then.. roses will fill the air for both of them ^^. That is only a suggestion ^^. Just thought I'd take the prisoner aspect of your character into it.

    Nevertheless, I'm ok with that ^^. I wonder if you want it to happen during the night before the great escape (perhaps it's done on a daily basis?)? ^^.
  7. Ahh, I got a good idea. How about Nilak and Odhran join forces during these night shows. You, being champion have been called upon the crowd to "slay" the fiends of the earth, and, since there were many of them....(loads)...I was paired up with you as character is a fine combatant and a favorite among the bookies that support the brutal battles!

    What do you think?

    That would mean that our characters would have met before hand, and once we triumphantly win and we raise eachothers arms (just like when they announce the winner in boxing ) I get more reconginised with more publicity, and get moved up into the somewhat more...civilised matches where blood isn't spilled, but, since I am a prisoner, at times I would be sent back down to the brutal battles just to remind me of what I am - a prisoner. No more.
  8. Hmm.. that is an interesting idea. Actually, the colosseum fights against the Tainted could happen during nights. That's when spilling blood is permitted ^^. Your character could be regarded as a Tainted.. but still earning people's love as a lesser champion would be hard if you're "Tainted".

    Perhaps Nilak could influence that somehow.. Perhaps he would recognize your character somehow, and at the same the people would accept Odhran since Nilak accepts him ^^. He could've been watching the way Odhran had been fighting etc. or of course the possibility of a fight between the two could be possible.

    Is that anything what you had in mind? ^^. Oh, but I think that would mean that Nilak and Odhran meet each other the night before he flees the city.. Hmm .
  9. Hey Takesh...I was thinking...seeing as my character is a prisoner and considered scum (until he proved his bad-a**ery and crowned "lesser champion" Champion being Nilak).

    Would it be acceptable for you to create like a night arena gathering. A gathering in which appeals to the elf which hunger for fighting is only satisfied by....blood?.

    I mean, some elves WOULD like blood to be shed, especially if it is a prisoners blood. They would be official hosted matches as well but are frowned upon by the elf that has more value and feels pity for the prisoners or scoundrels etc.
  10. So I'm just going to use the water element for now ^^

    and then unlock fire over time. But two opposite elements together...hmm. I'll figure something out
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