Conversation Between Elegance and Greed

109 Visitor Messages

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  1. It's not that hard to run! Dx but yess.
  2. I take it you're playing also? ^_^

    I hope I can run it on my laptop x.x
  3. It sooooo is. >< Also yay. <3
  4. One hitting sounds kind of lame :c But I'll try to check it out before Vindictus traps me in her grasp x.x
  5. Yes and no? ._. It's fun, like kwon-ho. and it's easy to play (If you pick street over rush) >>. The one hit kill thing is kind of annoying..but I still like it.
  6. Ahhh Zone 4, is it like Kwon Ho? D: I wanted to play that game but it died before I had a chance. Mabinogi has me clinched in her grasp again ;-; she's like that one game you keep going back too and feel guilty for leaving >__<
  7. Pretty much! T_T But Zone4 is totally fun too. Controls are bleh though.. >>

    Thanku. :3
  8. D:! Wasn't that their only fun game?

    Whoa cool avvy o-o
  9. Greed! They killed dance groove! T_T
  10. Silly Greed. <3
    I do rather like it though!
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 109
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