Conversation Between `doll and Meowy

83 Visitor Messages

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  1. but it's cute when you stalk me.

    :D lul.
  2. and and leik i sometimes accidently stalks you toos kthxhi =D hi =D
  3. wot wot wot.

    i am being stalked. ):
  4. dun stalk my barbie dolls =O
  5. i'd kiss dat delicioso avatar muy very muchie gracias senorita tu desu what o.0
  6. meowmeowmeowy
  7. speaking of friends i would kiss that avatar when i see it in real life
  8. <3

    10 char
  9. when people say they fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee, they never seen a butterfly sting like a bee!!

  10. ima eat all of em =0=~!

Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 83
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