Conversation Between woshiibreak and Greed

151 Visitor Messages

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  1. Pro.
    Also lol he's cooking now
    My mom doesn't do sht so like my dad is like super momdad orz
    My family's really fkd up.
  2. Wanna trade? ;o;

    Can he cook? Cuz I can't :/ dropped my phone in a batch of french fries on the stove.
  3. Lol my dad would be more than glad to go argue it up. >_>
  4. yea .___.
    Dad was going to and then he was like "oh uh nvm I got a business thing to take care of" and then ditches me to go back to cali ;/
  5. Lol you actually paid it off? o_-
    Coulda gotten your parents or something to go complain the sht outta them.
    That's what my dad always does. 8D
  6. bad ;o; I have barely enough money to buy food now .___.;

    being a bachelor sawks
  7. o:
    Sanks greed bbycakes~ <3

    How's your phone bill going? :c
  8. pm'd~ use what ever you need to set yourself up. Save some for my nab meister when I start up though =x
    Dunno if I have that much since I gave away a few mills to some buddies ;o;
  9. Greedbby@@
    Do you still have the info for that acc on LT? >_>
    Can I steal it plox? :U
    I'm fkn broke right now cus I gave all my sht away when I left orz
  10. Many many times :[
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 151
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