Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. IV/IV

    Yeah, I originally had her as the possible antagonist, but really, thinking about her position, the mysterious woman only wished to change her tragic fate (that is, a short life span that also robbed her of her ability to walk). I still have to figure out her relationship with Cupio, though. Most legends are based on ordinary people (the interesting ones, at least). It's how one acts that set history down a new path.

    Papio, Elysians and Scoians - Yay random stars! xD Black-and-white.
    Perhaps a specific hand gesture -- or rather, a particular pattern to "draw" upon the World Sphere that allows them to be sucked in the "space?" Perhaps the right pattern will create a "ripple" that distorts them until they completely vanish and in the process enter the "space?" Does that make sense? (Imagination vs Text xD)
  2. III/IV

    Wu, Zestians - I like the concept of crystal geckos, or any creature that can mimic the crystals within the caves. That way, regardless of the time, there will be protective deities of sorts that detest outsiders. As for earthworms, they seem better for open land (where they could surprise the enemy). There could be savage "dogs" or giant ravens with multiple eyes stalking the land. :O
    Your idea sounds like the home of dwarves. xD That, or dark/drow elves. Hm, I'll think about it a bit more as I try to better piece together the RP as a whole.

    Minar, Ardorians - Cool! I love the creepiness.
    Ah, perhaps the civil war was originally fought to determine the leader and their home turf, but pride eventually turned the battles into a slaughter ground. Those that survived gained respect, but the forsakened land trapped the deceased in the form of ever present mist. Oh, and sometimes, you can see the actual forms of those who died.
  3. I/IV - Of course, if you say "I honestly care about you" or "I genuinely love this song" sarcastically, only a fool would take you seriously. xP Well, if your roommates are like me, only in the afternoon would I take your "announcement" seriously...probably. :3

    Nah, only cool guys can pull off an earring (in my opinion). O.O I thought two earrings implies you're gay.

    I had been reading KHR, but recently, I've been trying to find other manga. The showdown seems interesting (such as Tsuno vs his father), but yeah, the shortness doesn't entertain me. :/ I'm rooting for either Reborn (for the reactions) and Uni (to live on).

    II/IV - I feel like I'll get a job when the universe deems it so (since today I had a lot of bad luck attempting to get a job). :o

    So the trio is identified as "students," eh? I'll still go with slaves, with the exception of Kinrai (talk about an outright rebellion against your mentor xD). Ah, I like how you present those "impossible odds," though.
  4. Once again, after a long wait, I shall reply!

    This is the problem with long waits between replying to messages (forgetting the meaning behind what was said). Ah well.

    I just hate when I can't beat a game. :/
    Ah, in FFX, I'm at the part where I can go anywhere via airship. By the way, I think that Yojimbo is useless (since I'm stingy with my money xD).

    The sad thing is that you may have to turn Falteer into an important NPC. Anglo has been so silent lately.

    Awesome description of the song (which I assume is from Skyrim), but sadly, the link leads to a dead end for me (not working). :/
  5. IV/IV - 2

    Funny you'd mention that particular scene with Zanarkand because I was thinking the first idea is very similar to that too. We'll go with the second one then ^^. It's much easier to picture, that's for certain.

    Exactly, the Ripple is the space between worlds. The Assassin's Creed white space is a very good example of what the Ripple could be.
    Indeed, that kind of distortion effect makes the Ripple look like it's enormous and just keeps expanding the further you try to go. Just like in reality, you need a 'tool' (well, submarine is a tool.. just a big one) in order to get deeper into the Ripple. It opens up quite a lot of possibilities now that I think about it o.o. Just imagine if the Ripple would end at some point, just what on earth could there even be in such a place?

    EDIT! Good god.. 8 messages! We're breaking world records soon
  6. IV/IV

    Ah, so that's how you see the mysterious woman. The line between 'romantic' and 'desperate' can be quite thin in some cases, this being one of them I think. So in reality the Moon Goddess is just a regular human being, and a delusional one at that. Her 'godliness' simply comes from people who think highly of her. An intriguing twist I'd say. Nevertheless now I understand her much better.

    Papio, Elysians and Scoians – Yeah, the 'outside' is black and it could even have stars here and there just for the sake of.. having stars in there ^^. Yup, white sounds good for the inside. It gives off a nice contrast between the two.
    Hmm.. what else? Ah, should there be some special way to enter the World Sphere 'space' since it's a bit like the Ripple? Naturally only the Scoians can do it but how?
  7. Minar, Ardorians – ”The Arcane Graveyard” sounds amazing.. it would have to be a very sacred ground for the Ardorians. Yeah, the fallen Ardorians' horns could turn into vapor which in turn creates a slight (greenish) mist which hovers just above the ground (classic graveyard scenery).
    Perhaps there was a civil war in the ages past within the Ardorian race and the battleground for it was the Arcane Graveyard? It was probably known by a different name back then though. In any case due to the civil war thousands of Ardorians died and the combined vapors from their horns created the mist that covers the ground. Sound good?
  8. III/IV

    Wu, Zestians – Desolate land, sharp rocks, eerie caves with a misty chill.. Yeah, sounds perfect. It gives off the expression that it's a dangerous land, hence the other races don't go there often. Since the land is desolate, perhaps the caves could have some wildlife in them? Things like crystal geckos (going with the jewel/crystal theme), earthworms (big ones, very dangerous) and such.
    These caves could even lead to some sort of underground city where a whole new race lives! They've never set foot on the surface and thus don't have any understanding about the sky or the sun. What do you think?

  9. Speaking of manga, have you been reading KHR? I like how all the characters are now against each other, it's also nice to see the return of old characters. Shame the fights aren't that good though since you miss most of them and those that you do see are just way too short. I'm genuinely excited about seeing all the Arcobaleno in human form though (especially Fong).

    II/IV – Ah, so there is a difference. Nevertheless it's better than nothing ^^.

    Yeah, that trio will go to the very end. That's pretty much certain at this point. Yup, that's how I depicted it to happen. It's not that surprising considering what Nilak is doing is pretty much the worst thing someone could do (for the elves at least). Things are only heating up more once Issat reaches Minathiel in my next post. Again we all get to witness how I like to 'tease' my characters by giving them practically impossible odds.
  10. I/IV – True, 'honestly' and 'genuinely' are good words if you're trying to be sincere about it. I'll need to remember those and apply them into Finnish too ^^. Perhaps I'll even get more than just a 'f*ck you too' out of my roommates with that! .. Or I could just do ”the announcement” once everyone's up.

    It's impossible to be formal with most teens. That's a cold, hard fact.
    Oh, looks like there's an unnecessary 'Continued' there. Sorry!

    I get the feeling you like seeing guys have a single earring, Lokuri. As for your question, it's a firm no ^^. Just the idea that my ear has to be pierced freaks me out, plus there's also a little insinuation that you're gay with that.
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