Conversation Between Cingal and Orpheus

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Eh. Porn is porn, you're bound to get some attraction to it!

    Those who claim they don't are liars!
  2. Well, some furry art is kind of hot. But I didn't say that if someone asks.
  3. I wasn't aware you were so passionate!
  4. Those are the fun ones!
  5. True, but, there are always other images!
  6. There are... some things... some, glistening white things... that can't be cropped. D.
  7. It's mostly down to good cropping.
  8. One of the few I found that didn't include penis or otherwise. D:
  9. Nice avatar.

  10. It's fun because they can be posted on forums without receiving death threats. =(
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 59
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