Conversation Between Anglo and Takesh

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  1. Sounds good to me ^^. Haha, in fact I forgot about the symbol too ^^.
  2. I think I've got an idea how I can make the lightning work, but I won't be able to use if for quite some time. First of all, I will have to unlocked the destructive water package. Lightning is formed when both positive and negative charges collide when Ice is present.

    Now, how to get positive and negative charges? I believe that since my two opposable thumbs act like generators which store magical energy, I believe that my left thumb can create positive charges from the energy collected, whilst my right thumb creates negative energy, and when put together my lightning magic is formed.

    What do you think?
  3. Indeed, with practice anyone can become a master ^^.

    It's practically impossible to pronounce my name correctly with an English accent ^^. We Finns talk real slow and the way we pronounce letters is very different. However I think closest pronunciation to my nickname would be Jay Pee.. Oh wow, how humiliating. Yup, that she is, the Lokuri we all know and love ^^.

    Haha, we aren't so different then when it comes to drinking habits. Gee, I think that's not exactly the best possible thing to have in common.. Once every full moon? Haha! Your nose keeps getting longer and longer!
    Money.. it's always about money isn't it? :/

    A criminology journalist? That sounds so freaking cool. It would certainly bring excitement to dull days like, say, Mondays ^^.
  4. Haha that sounds awesome xD (bowling I mean ), I can't bowl to save my life! but you know what they say about practice...

    Your name is so awesome xD I just don't know how you would pronounce it although I have a faint idea (silent J?). Looks like lokuri is badgering you about starting your RP haha ^^# isn't that the girl we know, the one that forcefully makes us do things even though we were going to do it anyway .

    Yes the drinking day is friday and saturday lol, although I only go out to drink once every full moon haha. That reminds week...friends money....darn it :/.

    Haha, I either want to write short stories (nothing too big atm, I don't want to set unachievable goals) or become a criminology journalist, or perhaps even a war journalist haha ^^
  5. Wow, I would've never thought that you'd become a writer! Don't take it as a bad thing ^^! That's fascinating.. people really are different ^^.
    You know many have said that I should become a writer too. It's a big "No" for me though, writing is just a hobby for me ^^. Although I'm afraid once you see the way I made "Tales of Amn".. everyone will be screaming for me to become a writer (WHOA! Talk about confidence there!) . Oh well, we'll see ^^.
  6. Only once? Oh my, well at least you've been once ^^. It's how I keep in touch with the friends I don't see that often. Bowling I mean ^^. The only bad thing about bowling is it's price.. it's 25€ an hour which is a huge amount for a poor student like me.

    You know, I had my record set on my first time bowling ^^. It was 152 and it took me a whole year to beat it. Nowadays it's 197.. it's so frustratingly close to 200 ^^. One of these days I'll beat it!

    Haha, nightclubs eh? It's not that surprising.. I wonder if you have a specific "drinking/nightclubbing day" there? Around here Friday is the day when everyone gets wasted.. and I usually drive those poor souls home. It's a wealthy side business though ^^.
  7. Better late than never ^^. I thought you had forgotten but didn't want to bug you about it. No worries, it's not like I'm insulted by that ^^.

    You aren't the first one to say I'm mature for my age ^^. Lots of people say it, most of my relatives too. Really, I'm just calm and careful by nature that's all ^^. No your prediction wasn't that far off, I turned 18 a few months ago. In any case, I'm studying programming (with Java mostly). By the way, only a few are not studying while on their early 20s ^^. At least around here.

    Ah, so I was right ^^. I thought I had read about it somewhere. You know I'm determined to travel around the globe someday.. I'm sure I'll visit Ireland on that trip ^^. I just want to see what the world is like with my own eyes! Everyone calls me JP here ^^ (it's short for Juha-Petteri). I'll be sure to remember your birthday since you so innocently mentioned it ^^.
  8. Hmm....bowling though....I've been once, when I was very very young...I think I was around 9 and I was at a birthday party which was followed by some old classic laser questing next door xD Which I was dreadful at because I didn't know what I was doing and got lost in the maze xD, but I did enjoy bowling, only because I got a strike on my first attempt! Biggest fluke EVER!! haha .

    My most favourite hobby at this time would have to be......Nightclubs!!! I know I know, you may think of me as an "alcoholic"...but....when in rome (or should I say Ireland...the drinking capital of the world xD) eh? :L Haha. Other than that I just like to socialise with friends and work hard to meet my life dreams of becoming a writer when I'm older, and roleplaying is the start, you all help me improve my writing style and adapt it in a way that sustains a particular audiences attention, and with that, I thank you good sir
  9. Oh god! I just remembered reading once about you telling me about yourself and I forgot to reply, oh how rude!!! I will return with my reply now if its not too late >_<

    So you're in school? I wouldn't have seem so mature for your age xD. I suspected you to be around your early 20's? I guess my prediction was far from right haha.

    And yes, I live in Northern Ireland, been living here for the past 6 years now and it is a wonderful country (if you travel around the emerald green country haha) which I have seen my fair share of. My real names Alex if you haven't already picked that up and my birthday is in 23 days wooo ^_^ xD.

    I'm at 6th form (thats what we call college here because we're basically in 6th year, and its split between two years....lower sixth and upper sixth, with upper sixth being what I will be joining next year).
  10. I have a secret identity!! Okay, no no ^^. I'm from Finland, not from Japan like my alias might suggest! ^^. Not much to tell really, I'm living a basic kind of life. Not sure whether it's called the "same"(high school has a different meaning here) college here, but I think that's the closest one where I am at the moment. I just started a few months ago actually.

    Oh, and there's something everyone has to always know about me. I love bowling! ^^.

    I pass the ball to you! I don't know much about you either. I think you live in Ireland, and that's it. Oh, and I know that you look like you have the hangover of your life in that profile pic of yours .
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