Conversation Between Paladin Catling and Groteske

173 Visitor Messages

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  1. What does he give you?

    Maybe he'd like to give it to my scrawny *** after he tosses you to the curb.
  2. Sorry, but my lord is so much more awesome than you. My lord gives me what your scrawny *** can't provide.
  3. Your lord is a tool.
  4. Hey I love real men. My first all the way gay encounter was with a man twice my age.

    It was both awkward and arousing.
  5. . . . . . Well. . whatever. . real men sleep naked.

    Which is a + for you.. because since you are a *****/*********, you dont like real men.
  6. I know! I wonder if he sleeps in pajamas. =o
  7. My god. . . .you and DarkAzz should get a room. . .
  8. Hey! Your head is public property!

    *sits on captain's head*

  9. Ugh get out of my head!
  10. And hey baby....anytime you want to bring your sword over and stab're welcome to.

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 173
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