Conversation Between Darkone121 and Kamilla

79 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ohh.. a divorce? .___. Poor you, x(
    Not very typical for brown parents. :/
    Well, I'm off to do my French hmwk D:
    lmao, i swear, we're gonna get one of those huge chat thingies again like the quotes from PMing. xD
  2. Oh i see, so your 3 hours ahead. Lol yeah, my gf's parents are hekka strict with her, and like yeah, it sucks. =/, my parents are loose on me right now cause they're going through a divorce. >.<
  3. 9:20.
    my parents are super strict with me, i guess it's just cause i'm a girl. Dx
    i hafta be home before dark, unless i have volleyball or something. x__x (only during the winter though, cause it gets dark at around 5:30 ish right now.)
  4. Oh i see, yeah thats how my chemistry teacher is like...hekka gay. Lol yeah, even if it was 9 i would still go. o.O, what time is it over there?
  5. oh, he's not mean or anything like that. teacher's in my school could care less about you even showing up to class.
    it just, he's such a tough marker- he assures you that you're doing fine during the term, and that you'll do 'good' on the next test. when the test comes-- "wtf? we never learned this, how do expect us to know it". D:
    oh yeah, i forgot.. you're in a different time zone.. xD
    i was like.. it's past 9, and it's like, dark outside. xD
    then again, it gets darker here earlier. :P
  6. Lol, why does everyone hate there history teachers? Mines like the best, lol, you can be 1 hour late and he wont mind. Haha.
    Butt yeah, today was effing boring, and im bout to watch a movie soon...>.<
  7. Lol xD
    whenever someone has the ball, i'll be chasing them, and i'll catch up to them quick, lmao, sometimes, i'll even be running out slightly ahead of them screaming "I DON'T WANNA REACH DOWN THERE!" xD
    well haha, i had school TODAY! D:
    hmm... i don't know when next semester starts for us.. i think it's first week of february. thank god i'll be done with canadian history. my teacher's such a ... laksjdfklajsd D:
  8. Yeah...sometimes when i reach down there, i usually get the wrong flag. >.>
    Lol, jay kay, but yeah, i reached some stuff down there that i wasnt suppose to, but hey, it was a mistake. =P

    Fk, i got school tomorrow, =(, new classes...and yeah...Im gunna like next term cuz its easier for me to text my gf. =)
  9. Awww.. That sorta sounds like what happened to me when we were playing in the summer... x___x
    Except, we were playing baseball, (unorganized obv. no rules) so I reached 2nd base, stopped for a second, and just as I was about to leave for 3rd, my friend picked me up, and held me up in the air, and I couldn't run! Then I got out. x__x

    yeah, flag football's kinda weird.. it just feels weird reaching for the flag, cause it's sorta low.. ya know.. just.. weird reaching there. x_x
  10. Oh gawd...would you get tackled? Lol, one time this little kid was playing and he had the ball, so i just lifted him up and took him to the other side lol. I suck at flag football, i can never pull the flag...
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