Conversation Between xWalrus and Groteske

61 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hmm?! Shit! *throws wallet at your head* This is the last time I trust bums!!!
  2. *walks away* GOD DANGIT! This is the last time im trusting trannies D:
  3. Yay! You're the bestest <3333. *takes your wallet*
  4. Okies. DDDDDDDD
  5. Heh ok. Hugs? Gimme Hugs? Pwueeze?
  6. But youre not a troll DDDDDD:
  7. So I'm funny now?! You just keep laying it on!!!!
  8. I dont hate trolls. Theyre funny
  9. Eh well.....You hate trolls.....And apparently I'm a dirty troll. It would never work out between us.
  10. </3 I sad
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 61
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