Conversation Between Fieryfly and Takesh

47 Visitor Messages

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  1. Gets bigger and bigger, huh? Not the best way to say it but I completely understand ^^. That's what usually happens to me too.

    The hardest part of making an RP: Story. It's easy to come up with ideas, but the hard part is creating an effective storyline from those ideas. I managed to create something from my ideas, at least the "battle system" is a bit different from normal. I'll be launching it tomorrow by the way.

    Ah, Holland. It's not a strange country . Rain? It's still snowing here. The snow starts melt.. maybe in April.
    I tried juggling once, I felt all high and mighty when I was finally able to make a one full circle with three balls. That's when I quit though, it truly takes a lot of time to perfect something like that.
  2. Exactly. Using the same character feels just wrong, like it lives two diffenent lifes. I never use the same one twice and neither do I kill them. Its like I feel sorry for them then I always think of a history while I'm writing post after post so my character gets bigger and bigger if that is how you can say it. I just can't bring myself to trow that away

    Hmm yeah well it is hard not to reach a death end while being the leader of a RP atleast that is what I find. I have a story in mind but it just doesn't come out and then the people loose interest and well it dies...

    Finland, that's cool! And I know enough of topografy to know that it is next to Sweden I'm from Holland. The small, little, strange country next to Germany where the weather is finally nice again. Hurray no rain. Circus school really is cool and fun. You learn all kinds of things like juggling and acrobatics. But you have to train hard to become really good..
  3. There's nothing more annoying about RPing than having to give up a character you like. It's a real problem for me since I really don't want to use the same character again, it feels somehow weird. That's one of the reasons I rarely kill off my characters, you could say I never do it. It's just that I grow to like them more and more.

    Hmm.. I could say I've finished an RP once, though I'd be lying. It was more like forcing it to the end, seems foolish now that I think about it. It was my own RP which I was really into, too bad the others weren't.
    All in all, it's rare to see an RP reach it's end. There's two things which always hit against you. One, you lose interest and stop. Two, the maker of the RP hits a dead end with the story. Those pretty much kill the RP almost instantly.

    I'm honored, you thought I'm English? Sorry to disappoint but I'm not. I'm from Finland, it's next to Sweden if you've heard. What about you?
    On a side note, circus school? Sounds fascinating.. and fun.
  4. That's great, that its going to be succesful I mean. I really hate when I made up an awesome chara but then it dies. But then again everything has to die one day. Have you ever finished a roleplay, like that the main story was over? I did once I believe but that was it.

    Hmm yeah school. That is the problem I have with school I don't think that I'm going to need anything of that when I'm finished. I don't want to study maths or science or chemistry or something like that and that it mostly the subjects I have on school. Why did I choose that I really wonder..
    Anyway you have a positive view on grades I should do that too.

    Yeah reading is like on of my favorite hobbies next to writing of course and horse riding and going to the circus school (or what ever you call it in English) Were do you come from btw, are you English?
  5. Haha! Yeah, I suppose I'm a good guy.
    Even if we only know through this thing called internet, it doesn't mean we or anyone else couldn't be friends. So, yeah.. friends ^^
    Everyone gets that "funny feeling" if they're mentioned by others , it's only natural. It's pretty nice.

    I'm looking forward for it too, I have a gut feeling that it's going to be successful. Ah.. school, the everlasting nightmare.. well, almost everlasting. At least it's going to be of use in the future, school I mean. That's pretty much the thing which "keeps me going".
    You love reading? Excellent, we'll do just fine then

    Yeah, life comes before RPing. Whenever I fail in grades or such I remind myself that "Now that I'm all the way at the bottom, the only way is up!"
  6. Hi sure I don't mind I noticed Lokuri talked to you a lot so that means you're a good guy aren't you
    Whoo I'm a choosen, that's cool. Makes me feel sort of wanted/liked around here ^^ That is actually a bit strange hea.. After all I don't know you guys but still it kinda like I made friends.

    Nice! A long RP. I'm looking forward to it already. I really need to come back at writing but school is so frustrating sometimes. Oh and don't worry about the lot to read part. I love it And don't worry either about that one-liners I saw some of you posts in ... I forgot the name and I understand why Lokuri likes you

    To bad that Lokuri isn't around but yeah we have lives too so I understand. I'm fairly busy myself with getting my marks back on track since I got like some bad grades :3 but I'm getting to it. See you around
  7. Hi! I hope you don't mind if I add you in my friend list ^^
    You're one of the "chosen" who lokuri recommended to me. That sounded weird, sorry. I just want to fill up my friend list.
    I saw you and Befram discuss about launching an RP.. I have an RP planned out and I was thinking I'd launch it probably next week. Feel free to join if it suits you. I'll give you a small warning though.. there's a lot to read ^^

    Oh yeah, totally forgot, I'm a new guy around here but I've RPed before so no worries of one-liners.

    EDIT: Oh yes before I forget! You were wondering where lokuri is, right? She told me she's having a very very busy month. It's not likely she'll be able to join any RPs, let alone continue the existing ones.
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