Conversation Between Raiyne and Avarance

69 Visitor Messages

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  1. Satoko Fujii ma-do tomorrow, should be awesome.
  2. Just back from Envy, in a nice small, enclosed space, haha. I took off my earplugs in the great bits, so intense. Now it sounds like there are crickets/cicadas in my room. Ha. Man they sound sooooo good, clean and tight just like on the albums but 10x louder and more powerful. They were like ushers into the gates of heaven, and Fukagawa was a martyr for the audience. Absolutely moving.

    Not as loud as Mono, though, thank goodness, haha.
  3. Going back there tonight to see Noveller. It's actually pretty cool to be in such a small place. Don Dietrich (co-founder of Borbetomagus) grabbed a beer and was standing right next to me at the bar when the act before them was playing, lol.
  4. Mm I'm itching to hear what that sounds like. Lol @ the Borbetomagus venue.
  5. Yes it's incredible indeed, almost frightening. 59 yr old man rocks harder than most 10pc bands out there. How are your ears? Haha.
  6. I hope it was recorded because that crescendo at the end was one of the most beautiful things I've heard
  7. Someone should ask him that in an interview. It's impressive how a single man can produce so much noise. I love how some guy on describes it: "I can only say so many superlatives about the Keiji Haino show but his crescendo at the end of his set definitely bested My Bloody Valentine's 20 minute cacophony on You Made me Realise (live). And to think it was a single person making all those crunchy textures! Its honestly difficult to describe into words what Keiji Haino gifted us with." Even his soundcheck was beastly, haha.
  8. Sick! Sounds like the ground was trembling and the building was about to collapse! Just a thought: Has his hair ever ****ed with his guitar playing? Haha.
  9. That's what I should do with my Flare Gun LP
  10. Hahaha. I wonder how many people actually buy them... and wear them? If I did get the briefs, I'd probably frame them up. LOL.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 69
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