Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. PART I/II
    You've never actually played Zelda? Well, let me be the first one to say shame on you! ^^. No, but you should give them a shot someday. Like the newest Zelda on Wii, simply stunning ^^. It was the first Zelda where I actully used the bow more than the sword(motion control and all that).
    Heh, well I was actually talking about the Rupee system in Zelda ^^. It's similar to the crystal system in Anglo's RP, at first I thought Anglo had copied it from Zelda.

    Anyway, the Rupee system might be good but I don't like the name Rupee. It's.. ugly. Maybe it could be just Crystal? I'm not that good with names >.<. And yeah, I've noticed my RP is getting rather shiny ^^... Crystal Caverns! Now that could be something cool.
    Romaji=Japanese words (ex. Konnichiwa, meaning "Hello; Good Afternoon"). Hiragana=Chinese symbols altered by the Japanese; Katakana=symbols not covered by Hiragana (ex. English names, etc.). Eh, yeah, just look on the site. ^-^;

    Well, we can't be neutral. We have to agree with the writer, connect those ideas to our own, and head somewhere between neutral positive or neutral negative. :l Well, that is difficult as well. I just wish I had more time...

    Eh, the laptop is both my mom's and mine, so we share. Desk computers are cool. I had to get used to the laptop, so now it feels strange if I use the computers at school (to check mail sent during the time I am at school). :o Don't just go on my opinions about the mouse. I just got used to using both my hands for menial tasks and sports (teachers are almost always righties).

    Whoa, so who made that map? I was about to say, "YOU'RE AMAZING!!!". xD
  3. PART I/II
    You know what is even funnier? :o I never played Zelda. I WATCHED someone play Zelda, and I saw some pics, heard some music, etc., but I never played it (that I can remember...). Perhaps I have, since I recall having a dream about playing Zelda, but... Rupee? Hm...I was thinking utilizing the crystal idea that wasn't fleshed out in Anglo's RP. I think it would be easier identifying by color than by numbers, coins, bills, etc. Of course, this is all coming from making your RP all shiny (if you haven't noticed).

    Yeah, and I bet they actually want you to study a crapload of info while you "relax". :/
    Okay I have no idea what you mean by romaji or katakana or hiragana . But I suppose they are like different styles to make the symbols? Anyway, I'll check out the site for sure ^^.

    So.. it's like writing a text from your own point of view but at the same time staying neutral. That is really hard, I know from experience. How on earth are you supposed to stay neutral if everything the text says contradicts your own way of understanding it? I really hope I won't have to do those again.

    Aa, you have a laptop ^^. I don't like laptops for some reason, thus I hang onto my desk computer ^^. Ah, so you kept it on the right side. Finally I know it, thank you. Of course of course, I didn't mean to say you can't do anything with your right hand ^^.

    On a side note, the map of Amn is completed!.

    I know everyone can see this. However I did resize it so you can't see everything in it ^^. FYI, I did NOT draw it.
  5. PART I/II
    Yeah, exactly like in Zelda ^^. Funny I never thought about that.. the idea just popped into my head. A currency indeed! The easy way would be to choose Rupee, but that wouldn't satisfy me (maybe). However I bet I'll come up with something similar to it. A palace made of jewels in underwater.. sounds intriguing ^^.

    "Teachers always want you to completely understand something, but gives you too little time". That phrase emphasizes it all ^^. The worst part is that the teachers around here keep telling us to relax and remember that life isn't all about studying o.O. What's wrong with them..
    Hehe, don't be. If you use the site I sent her, you can learn too! :o Um, I'm in the process of learning Hiragana symbols (about halfway), and romaji won't be used after we finish learning hiragana and katakana. :/

    Math...takes me forever to do. :/ Awww, lucky!~ Honors English is TOUGH! You not only have to write in your own view, but incorporate the view(s) of the text you studied and essentially use their views to reveal what you make of their text without siding with one thing over another. :/

    Hm, I don't use a mouse (since keyboards have that little patch that moves the arrow on them), but when I did, I kept it on the right side. I can do things with my right hand, except for writing mostly...and eating. xD
  7. PART I/II
    Yay, like Zelda! Or, you know...spyro's mystical partner... Ah, so fairies live in harmony with the elves, while pixies run about, free and wild. :o Treasure hunters! That means there definately needs to be a currency, and it could actually be used (like, a knowned value system).
    Ah, I see, I see...well, they are self-explanatory. Yay, merpeople! They can have a palace made of all the jewels of the sea and it can shimmer for miles in all directions. *.* Yeah, I thought as much with illusionists. Ohh, can't wait to see all the dragons.

    Mine is centered on writing. Teachers always want you to completely understand something, but gives you too little time. It's like they expect you to spend all your energy to complete their assignments (and to make matters worse, my english teachers wants me to "not panic", but write down everything I do that involves my essay v.v).
    You have Japanese! Wow, just like Fieryfly, I'm jealous too ^^. Have you already learned how to write Japanese symbols? ^^. Or do you use the method of writing them in english letters?

    Haha, Math ^^. I always liked Math for some reason, guess I like solving "puzzles". I don't have any English at the moment, I think I'll have it in January (such a long way). Although the idea of creating academic speeches with english is not too inviting because creating them with my own language is a real pain.
    Hmm.. I don't have History either. I actually won't be having it at all where I am. Haha, I loved my way-too-enthusiastic History teacher ^^. He was so quirky that it was fun to watch him go on and on about something really boring ^^.

    A leftie? Wow I don't know anyone, well except now, who's a leftie ^^. Do you have the mouse on the left side of the keyboard? That has always been bugging me ^^.
  9. PART I/II
    Hmm! Fairies could be associated with every elf, like every elf would have their own fairy. That could produce something nice. A pixie could be implemented too, a pixie would be living free in the nature unlike the fairy which I already explained ^^. Treasure hunters could play a part too.. we'll see.
    Sprites and dwarves I already have there ^^, they are exactly as you described. Merpeople! How could I forget! They are absolutely going there ^^. Hmm.. Illusionists, they could belong into a branch of mages. Haha, there are a total of five dragons there ^^. There is just no way I would leave them out! However wyverns should be there too, lesser dragons so to speak.

    As always, school has too much work ^^. I have two big projects coming next week, both are closely related to programming.
  10. ~School~

    1. Japanese on Mondays and Wednesdays. There isn't too much work for this class, but I'm expected to learn Hiragana at a fast (to me) pace, learn vocabulary in the mix, and need to practice daily.
    2. Math (snore!), English (Honors), and History (Western Past) all on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Main problem: bookbag causing back problems and swelling of my right (one shoulder bag) leg after constant walking. My math teacher's skills are skeptical (constantly making mistakes), English is challenging (Essay already?!), and History...lots of reading for a too-enthusiastic teacher who wants us to connect the past to the present (I don't wanna watch the news!).

    Random Note: I'm a leftie!
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