Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

686 Visitor Messages

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  1. You worry too much lokuri ^^. It's heartwarming for me though, so thank you.
  2. Takesh, pleeeaaaasssseeee don't let "Happy Home" die.
    No one is posting, and if it dies, I'll cry.
    I love that RP too much.

    ~ Lokuri
  3. Well, since you actually tried to guess, I'll give you a..nother hint (Did I give you a hint the first time? I'm too lazy to check before posting this). Look at Lia's full name. It has something to do with her full name and connects to what Natalie has (as an ability). That's all I'll say.

    Eating raw eggs is bad for you. That's why I don't eat cookie dough anymore.

    Ohh, goodie. Midnight! I'm feeling a bit sick (tired, mostly -- darn you heat!), but I'll try to post whenever possible. School is being mean now, though (how can electives give so much work towards the end of the school year?).
  4. Argh! I was so sure about that name. Weird though.. somehow the name Lia sounds really familiar. I'm sure I've seen it somewhere before, I must have. Otherwise I'll.. eat a raw egg

    Anyway, midnight is closing in.. ^^
  5. Okay! We'll keep the girl alive then ^^. Go ahead and give her a name, it truly is a sad way to address her. Anything else that's troubling you? ^^
  6. Alrighty, let's start from the beginning shall we? ^^

    When the "flash" occurred in my latest actual post, Ethan already entered this pre-phase. The stabbing and confrontation of the demon-ranter were a dream however.
    When he wakes up with the scream, he is still in his pre-phase. I think I remember we agreed on that when someone turns into their Psyche-Form, the whole body transforms. Yes, even though it's only a pre-phase, there still is no body lying around.

    It's rather simple really. The bottom line is that only "the girl", the demon-ranter and Natalie can see Ethan at the moment.

    Then about the demon-ranter. He is in his Psyche-Form, the real deal so to speak. This means only "the girl" and Ethan can see him.
  7. I thought of another question to ask you: is Ethan's body still present in the "real" world, or has it merged with Ethan's "Psyche-Form"?

    For more detail about this question, visit Moratorium's visitor messages.
  8. Yes, Natalie needs to be informed of the situation. xD I would have had her sneak out or work something with Jack Rabbit is she didn't get a chance to hear about it, but after everything that has and will happen, Natalie will most likely hear about the plan at midnight. I also think she will learn a great deal about Psyche-Locks. :o

    I hope to keep "the girl" alive. Also, I want to give "the girl" a name. I mean, "the girl" is quite a sad way to address her, especially if she will now become rather important. So...she can be a victim to a certain degree, but...don't "kill" her. I was hoping to have her as the first spirit Natalie's Psyche-Form purifies.
  9. Yes I forgot about how Natalie didn't even know about the plan yet. This might be a good time for that, after the commotion is over naturally ^^.
    It's good that you have a back-up plan. I always try to create those while in an RP that isn't mine.

    On another note.. what are your plans with "the girl"? Is she important in the future? This query is because I thought she could become the victim again. It would be a nice way to signal that the demon-ranter is a real threat ^^. Of course I won't mind if you want to keep her "alive". It's your choice ^^
  10. I really hope everyone gets back soon so we can speed up to Midnight.
    On another note, I can still have Natalie get a glimpse of her Psyche-Form.
    Oh, but she still didn't hear about the plan in detail.
    She also hasn't been properly invited. :o

    Well, I'm sure it will all work out.
    If push comes to shove, I have a back-up plan.
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