Conversation Between Kamilla and Klaime

1086 Visitor Messages

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  1. Soo.... WHAT IS IT?! :O
  2. kkay, i'm gonna go own this last final exam like a boss. then i'll be partaying every weekend until the 13th :3
  3. yayyy <333

    i'm at werk and my ds b at home and idk my friend code off da top of my head.
    BEAT ME UP? i thot we were friends4eva!! :c :c :c
    (i haven't even beat da first gym yet. had to soft-reset 2938479283 times for my bro. he's a bully)
  4. Whoa pig bicture
  5. k we fwends again. <33

  6. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to be mean, you know what I mean?
  7. Cuz you were being mean.:eagle:
  8. you sufferin' from memry loss or something? you're the one who said I wasn't yo friend and that I was no longer allowed to speak with you....
  9. What so we aint homies no mo? Fine i see how it is..
Showing Visitor Messages 601 to 610 of 1086
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