Conversation Between Anglo and Takesh

83 Visitor Messages

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  1. So with her storytelling (which is actually really amazing), and my knowledge of role playing, I feel that we both can make an intricate story that would appeal to the advanced audience, it will only have a small number of dedicated members though, very small, because each character will be roleplaying two characters. This is all I will say at this point, and with two upcoming role plays in the future, I can say that things are going to get active around here again ^^
  2. Haha, I like the way happy home has ended with my character so I think that nothing else by me is needed to be added It seems almost really heart-warming to see that there will be a sequel, ten years in the future, our character have had their memory wiped clean meaning they will in fact have different personalities upon the opening of the sequel. Jansen will beee.....24? That sounds really lovely...Mature...Headstrong...etc haha....but still a narcisistic arsehole who loves blood and is screwed up in the head :P After all, he is a patient. xD

    Anyway, I'm sorry I've been away for a while, and I do see that you are currently working on a new role play, I too am as well My best one yet that sort of came to mind when I was talking to one of my new friends at college who has a keen interest in story writing, she gave me inspiration to write a roleplay based off of her idea and she has given me her consent to do so
  3. Ah, I have those "swings" too when I'm just completely fed up with RPing. It usually happens when I'm in way too many RPs at the same time, and then happens the good old burn-out. But hey, I'm glad you're still "here" ^^.
    Anyway, I can include Jansen in my post to save you the trouble. I can understand what it's like to force a post out of yourself so I don't want you to go through with that ^^. Of course if you want to post then I'll let it be ^^. There's no rush of course, like always.

    I never forget the RPers in my RP ^^.
  4. Yes yes, I shall end my character with a closure plot, brainwashing him alongside Ethan as well. I'm sorry I haven't been as active as I should be but recently I just had a massive turn off on roleplaying which was brought on by completely nothing lol.

    I will see to it that Happy Home gets the closure it deserves Thanks for informing me and not just forgetting about me!
  5. Even though you haven't been here in some time, I still feel that I have to inform you of this ^^.

    I'm announcing the closure of Happy Home. I've just started writing the epilogue. I'm planning on making a sequal one day but it will take time ^^.

    Now what I would like from you is an ending for your character. Ethan (and anyone else who wants) will be banished into the deepest pits of Happy Home where he will be brainwashed constantly. Jansen's fate is in your hands. He could join Ethan in his torment, is that ok?
  6. Ah, great! I hope it gets fixed soon ^^. Disabled from being able to reboot? That's.. that's just crazy. I wonder why on earth they would do something like that. Hmm.. maybe it's a precaution to avoid any further damage to the system? Oh well.
    And hey, I never kick out RPers ^^. It's their choice to quit, not mine.
  7. That's fine don't worry about it. I'm sending the laptop off to get fixed tomorrow for some reason the makers of the laptop said they disabled it from being able to reboot for some reason and I don't know why the hell they did it. I might be on sooner but if not yes you can control my character as much as you need to. Thank you for not just kicking me out lol
  8. It's sad to hear that you left us for at least three months but.. I came here to ask if you'll allow me to control Jansen in Happy Home? It's for the time you'll be away. I'm confident that Happy Home will still be up once you're back ^^. I hope you'll be able to give me an answer sooner or later. Naturally I won't do anything drastic with Jansen, just so that he can keep up ^^.
  9. Haha, I'm sure there will be
  10. So we'll have to pissed off boys in the same room. I can only imagine the ruckus ^^.
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