Conversation Between Anglo and Takesh

83 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well when Jansen finds out he can't change the past...that's gonna leave him pretty p*ssed. lol. He will still have his split personality and the death of his parents still linger over him. He may seem nice now, but then he will be p*ssed when he finds
  2. I take that as a compliment ^^. This disappointed feeling especially goes for Jansen and Ethan since they already see the Psyche-Locks. They gained nothing from "changing their past".

    But! Even the thought that you can change your past and make things good again can help certain people. It can affect them to see how pleasant everything would be, thus the disappointment wouldn't be so bad. They can partly imagine their lives as good rather than bad.

    The way Jansen's personality changed was quite drastic ^^. It's not bad at all, after all he might still think that he actually changed things.

    That's where the chapter name comes from.. Irreversible Past ^^. You can't change the past no matter how hard you try ^^.
  3. Oh you b*tch Wow, I guess it just goes to show that fake memories was all it took to help Jansen become a pleasent boy once again...unless provoked...
  4. Yes, I thought it would be something new and refreshing ^^. Although I have to say that disappointment should play a role for everyone's character. After all they are there to change the past, and thus change the future too. Once they see that nothing has really changed, there's bound to be disappointment, or perhaps even anger.. ? ^^

    I should probably mention this in the thread too.
  5. Haha don't worry about it, personal things come first.

    Thats really an interesting concept though, being given the chance to change the past accordingly to benefit your character. Great idea.
  6. Sorry I was away. Something quite personal happened so I had to tend to it.

    I've noticed that Befram tends to promise and yet nothing happens ^^. He'll post when he can. It's been almost two weeks he has done any RPing so I believe he must take his time ^^.

    Yes, anything is possible. Hell, change the whole world into good or bad if you feel like it. Well, if it fits your character I mean.
  7. Hey, I read your comment on Lokuri's profile about her waiting for me to post, if it's me I'm sorry for the hold up but I read on your profile earlier that Befram was going to post today and thats what I was waiting for to give him the opportinity that he has right now to catch up >_<

    I have'nt given up the Role Plays beginning to get really interesting (not that it hasn't already don't get me wrong I mean the fact we finally get to unlock our psyche locks! ^_^. I will start my post tomorrow then (to see whether or not Befram posts, if not I will go ahead) and theres a little query I want to bring up about changing the past. You mean anything right whether big or small. Does that include bringing back Jansen's dead parents - perhaps do something that avoids them dying in the car crash, and therefore not bringing about the guilt of their deaths which never changes my eye colour? I was just unsure about how far we could go with this sorry.
  8. It saddens me to read that my RP has caused havoc between you and lokuri. I just wanted to let you know that I posted myself on Happy Home.
  9. Haha yes nice post, I'll be sure to post now x_x I was kinda waiting for other people to post before I got into it but sure anyway lol...I'll post right now, thanks for the heads up!
  10. I posted on Happy Home. Just to let you know since I had to edit the post in. I think it won't show up as anything "new" if I edit it in there. I really don't know what I'm talking about at the moment. My point was that I posted, that's all ^^.
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