Conversation Between Takesh and lokuri

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  1. IV/V - Your welcome. :')

    Wu - Or a human corpse possessed by a ghost. Bleak colors/black clothes, commonly sleeveless. They don't like bright lights and outsiders, and become hostile around them. Typically, they are calm, yet sly/tricky. It takes awhile to gain their trust, but they make faithful companions.
    Minar - I like that! An elemental beast in the form of a Minotaur! And that picture is good, but with oozy, more scaly arms (less human-like) and shredded clothes. Oh, and more muscles (veins showing?).
    Papio - You could even say they are exclusive, forbidden impure beings from entering their region and outsiders having to go through vigorous trials of meditation and prayer (perhaps gaining a virtue?) to enter. Oh! Perhaps they guide elemental beasts between Sigil and Silmeria, as well as the gateways between worlds as well (they establish the Laws of travel by "reading" the energy between worlds).
  2. II/IV - Yeah, 'tis why I don't like my birthday week (intro to harsh workload). Aw.

    Well, what other manga introduces talking mafia babies...with weapons? Omnipotent reminds me of dragons. Speaking of which, I can't wait until ToA does something with dragons. x)
    Think of all the candy Flan would get on halloween. (There's nothing better than a fruity apple eating sugar-y candy.) And who would want to prank an apple?

    I quit Naruto when everyone started liking it (I can never stay with the "crowd"). By the way, that was around the Exams (though I can't remember which).

    III/IV - Can't help with the s's. :/ Just like for boys, it's best to go for the...*cough* manly area? Elusive = ninja.

    My mom is like your uncle (overprotective), but she's neutral with grades (health over work).

    Cool, I'll look -- oh! *reads* Hm, could the Netherworld may be connected to Silmeria? :O Also: follow the (fairy) dust!
  3. I/IV - Yup. The virus(es) may be dazzled by me. Why else would they linger so long? (Joke...)

    That's okay. There are other ways to prove your masculinity.

    My mom just ordered it one day, but because it was so unoccasional, I could only ask why wasn't it an iPod (I hardly use my cell phone, and I'd most likely use the iPhone for internet and games). *sweatdrop*

    They try, but sometimes changes are necessary (i.e. OHSHC - google it?), such as the mangaka not being that good of an artist (at first). x) Try watching an anime and then looking at a manga's first chapter. You'll notice a progression (quality). DW is among all the other stalled manga I have stacked up (including D. Gray Man!!! and Amatsuki). Yeah, I always backtrack (when I'm not being lazy). :3
  4. Sorry for the delayed reply (homework & computer issues). Yay, you remembered (though we did discuss my birthday prior to this)! Still, thank you!

    Heh, I'm an all or nothing kind of girl (takes an extra effort to do things one at a time).

    Well, in the trailer (one of them), Sora and Riku each face their main antagonist, but that doesn't necessarily mean there won't be mini bosses (Joshua could be just that). And in KH:BBS, the main antagonist was Vanitas. But the heartless tend to resemble each other as well.
    It'll be like Sora replacing Christopher Robin in Winnie the Pooh. :3

    Was/Is Moratorium a part of the mafia group (I forget). If he isn't, he needs to be, or maybe he'll be part of the "branch" mafia (catagorized by the "elements" of Enma). :')

    Yup. But isn't everyone (I mean, if there's no reason to get the 3DS, why get it)?
    Or you have games that spike when sequels are released (like .hack//QUARANTINE).
  5. V/V – The RP discussion seems to have expanded to a second part. Oh god, we're practically replying with full size posts now.

    Creedo – You mean Creedo is created by multiple different worlds? That way it feels like a separate world all together, etched to the side of Silmeria. Laws? Good, it shows there is civilization in Silmeria.
    Krich – Perhaps these beings could be referred to as ”Fallen”? Fallen as a word gives the impression that they're hostile but it also hints that once upon a time they were sensible people.
    Ariyo – And these guys could be referred to as ”Shades”. Shade refers to how they are mere shadows of their former selves.

    Alegn – Don't worry about it ^^. What does Alegn look like though? Maybe it's the most modern city when compared to the others? I'm not talking about skyscrapers or such, even though including something like the ruins of a huge skyscraper might be interesting, that would prove that Silmeria and Sigil are indeed connected.
  6. III/V - Oh right, optimistic narcissist, not narcissistic ^^. Ugh, now there are so many s's that even Mississippi pales in comparison. Everyone goes for the hair since it's easy to grab, especially if it's long ^^. Haha! Elusive is such a sneaky word, makes it look like they were hiding and waiting for you to find them.

    I wouldn't say my parents don't care, they just act like it's natural and that it was bound to happen at some point. My uncle is the worst since he has no faith that my studies are going to be fine with me living on my own. He's a nice guy but way too overprotective. It's about time for him to realize that I'm not a child anymore.

    Haha! I'll probably finish my post today and post tomorrow. Something new shall be revealed from the moon elves.. Oh, and you'll get your reaction from Kinrai ^^. It always amazes me if someone manages to create a sizeable post from simple interaction. With you it's never been a problem though ^^.

    Definitely ^^.
  7. II/V - Gladly! It's busy as always. Recently we've gotten even extra assignments from our usual ones (they range from 12-14 different smaller tasks, all of them are connected to programming). My days are pretty much spent doing these assignments. The worst part is that it has been almost two months since I last went bowling! Life feels so shallow without bowling..

    Heh, maybe that's KHR's ”magic”? Being extreme and all. Oh, of course! Omnipotent! Yeah, I like that word. If something is called omnipotent, you know it's something you don't want to mess with.
    It sure looks ridiculous, the apple head I mean ^^. If Flan actually likes that hat.. he's probably one of the coolest guys in the universe!

    That's even worse. If they honestly like the new animaton then.. Well, not that it matters really. I haven't watched Naruto in a while now. It's like a habit of sorts, I watch it for 10 or 20 episodes and then quit again.
  8. I/V - Indeed ^^. Your laptop is still acting up? It's amazing just how much damage a virus can do.

    Well that's reassuring ^^. Guess I'll just have to keep flexing my muscles for the heck of it.

    Geez, iPhone? I still haven't figured out a valid reason to get one, plus their price is already something that makes me cringe in pain.

    It is but still the anime usually tries to retain the same style as the manga. Speaking of anime/manga, DW is taking ages to release new episodes/chapters! It's a bad thing since I forget some of the key parts that have happened. If that happens, then I have no idea what's going on anymore and have to backtrack.
    ”Yakitatte!”, huh? I'll check it out.
  9. First of all.. Happy Birthday, Lokuri!! ^^. Now back into business..

    Jesus! Imagine my surprise when I log in expecting one reply and instead I get 5!

    I just know Xehanort is somehow going to end up as the final boss again. KH is starting to resemble MegaMan in that sense, the final boss is nearly always the same guy (albeit in a different form, the core still remains the same). It's refreshing to see new Heartless though.
    If Joshua was the big bad guy in the end, that would be a completely plausible scenario about Riku being the "new" Neku.

    Well, you are the Sun Guardian of our made-up mafia group ^^.

    Oh, ouch. Guess we're in the same boat then ^^.
    Yeah, I have to wait for the price to drop. Knowing Nintendo though, it's going to take a looooong time. I mean LoZ: Wind Waker is nearly 10 years old and they still charge full price for it! Same goes for Super Mario Galaxy.
    Well that's just fantastic, I am filled with joy.
  10. (2/2)

    Creedo - Experience of multiple worlds, most traveled. Margni would be a Creedo. A Law forbids telling summoners about other worlds, and if the Law is broken, the elemental beast is forever "chained" in Silmeria, losing their right to be summoned.
    Krich - Supressed emotions upon their "human death" makes it impossible to chat with these shadowy creatures. Mildly dangerous at best.
    Ariyo - Their inability to "forget" past memories causes instability in form. Their bodies are "glitchy" and their speech is fragmented. Harmless.
    Alegn - The starting point in Silmeria, sorry! xD
    Ser - Ser reminds me of "Se'er," like an oracle. How about their "tail" resemble glittering strands of light, more like an octopus than a single tail, and from a distant, it's like an Aurora Borealis in the sea? And their skin glows from within, giving them constant warmth in the coldest of seas? Oh, hair like green seaweed.
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