Conversation Between PerfectlyHorrified and Anglo

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. ...That was funnier. xDDD
  2. and when you almost gave me a heart attack with that werewolf!!
  3. Can't be as hilarious as your reaction when I actually ate half of it.

    A dare is a dare. xD
  4. Caitlin...thats nasty, wait untill everybody else that checks out my profile clicks on those links. Its going to be HILARIOUS to see their reactions!
  5. Especially when the water content is leaking. Was epic
  6. Rotten bananas are no fun...
  7. No, It means that you're gay.
  8. Does this mean that I'm condemned to a life of eternal happiness?
  9. Yeah well my point're gay.

    I rest my points.
  10. Yeah...that made no sense.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 34
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