Conversation Between terriordx32 and Frodei

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Sure lol, well last i checked you were in the gym. So you could say how you finally left school. oh btw there is a fire in front of the school.. near some trees so you could go there...there is a fight you could join
  2. Alright, Wanan try help me get back into it ? : P
  3. Thanks, well the only thing that happened was the last couple of classes and everything bought tickets to the school dance, where the epic fight will happen...
  4. Love to come back to the RP (( if u mean Clearbourne, which i assume... :P )) But, do you have a summit of what happend since last?
  5. Hey i thank you for joining the site, but during the time you joined. My computer was screwing up which led me to be absent from the computer entirely for like 2 months, but now im back and really eager to rp with you. Your character had something interesting going a mystery which seemed really good... i really hope you come back

    --- Terri
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