Conversation Between Elegy and Torian

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Even if they can't do another TV season maybe they can make a straight-to-dvd or at least movies. (I'd prefer the S2D, though, it'd make it last so much longer :<)
  2. These *****es better freaking make another season. They even set it up so that another season could be done if they got the financial backing.
  3. But... but... but... now they are supposed to beat Rahl again.

  4. This better win back the seeker. I don't know if I could go on without seeing medieval Bridget cleavage once a week :<
  5. I ****ing love you
  6. Ffuuuuu... meh, I'm used to series I actually watch being canceled. Every single series (except heroes) that I've actually turned the TV on always get canceled. **** mainstream media.
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