Conversation Between FallenMyth and AlexHellfire

7 Visitor Messages

  1. i'm no gd at that stuff i think :S
  2. lol oh thanx rofl even though they will most prob turn out crap... btw i've done one and already got sum1 saying 'erm... wot?!' :S i'm guessing its crap rofl
  3. lol just post an RP if no one likes it fine but ill join and play along :P
  4. *sighs* I'm Bored... I Knew I Would Get Bored Sooner Or Later... its just one of those things that happens i guess, but man is it annoying, Rite?
    theres like loads that i can do but yet nothing will satisfiy my bordom rite now... *rolls Eyes, Then Sighs Again* i hate sitting arnd doing nothing, but theres no where for me to go, 'specially now...... anyways My sexy lion :P i gotta look for psp so i'll be seeing ya!! *waves*
  5. lol me not a nutter :P hehe fruit and nut cake...
    Ahh sooooo bored at seetec lol the only thing thats gd bout it atm is being on here lol or on facebook hmm :S
  6. lol nutter
  7. lol hmm since when did i get an account on here lol Hmm *rolls eyes* meh better go to sleep now :P nite!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7