Tabula rasa for those that do not know, is a mmorpg with a great sci-fi genre. Not too many of mmorpgs out there today with this type of scene. It has wonderful graphics, many classes to choose from, cloning system, armor and weapons galore, 4 planets to explore (plus the recently added earth lv50), awesome animation, quick leveling (cap at 50), training with a low learning curve, great story line, and teams of up to 6 people. Also an integrated "squad" voice system built into the game(for those with mics).

It seems that because of the lack of support by its creator, and little to no advertising was the result of this high $ game's demise. They have announced its cut off date at February 28 2009. But it is currently Free to play until then.
Tabula Rasa is very addictive, fun soloing, with groups, or just to try. If you like to move past the fairies and elves, and trade in your magical staff for a grenade launcher, or wield the power of shield bots and the awesome power of the collectible Logos all while defeating the evil bane armies, then this game is for you to try out in its full entirety (not a trial period) for free until February 28th 2009.
Give it a whirl, you have nothing to loose, except the battle to return to earth. (In short -This game is like Halo on steroids.)