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Thread: Reference links?

  1. #1
    Marios's Mustache Wax Reputation: 10
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    Default Reference links?

    I've read several posts mentioning that reference links are not allowed, and on top of that you have the viral entity that is MyB**** spreading its malevolence all over the forum. I've also read the rule regarding self-promotion.

    So what is the official position? I note that the reference links remain in place and aren't removed by the mods, thus encouraging more people to indulge in the practice. I am a forum admin myself, so I realise how much work monitoring a forum the size of OnRPG must take, but ultimately why have rules if they aren't being enforced?

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to criticise the mods and admins or to encourage reference links and spamming, but as a newcomer I'm getting mixed messages from comparing what the rules say is acceptable practice to what actually amounts to common practice in reality.

  2. #2
    OnRPG Elite Member! Reputation: 125
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    I'm not officially stating this. But if you label it by saying
    "the following link is a referral."
    I think its fine.

    I also think that if a link offers a link to something that has no referral you gotta post that one down to, to give the option.

    So one with a referral clearly noted and one normal. If you do it nicely, I see no reason why people would choose the normal link over the referral.

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