I've been searching the web, looking for resources to use in our MMORPG. Its a dark, urban game. Granted, I've found some good textures, but besides that (and snapping textures with my digital camera) I can't seem to find anything!

Seriously, try to Google anything that has to do with game sprites, icons, tilesheets, etc, and you will always be taken back to the same half-a-dozen pages that contain these ridiculous cartoon-style RPG graphics! Bright happy colors and goofy characters with giant heads may have been cute once, but haven't we moved past that? Even a little?

Not to mention: Enough with the freakin medieval RPGs! For the love of god! Its been done to death! It was done to death 5 years ago! How many ways can you kill a dragon!? There is no more originality left in the genre, let it go!

So, getting to my point; does anyone know of a decent place to find some good modern-looking images? Textures, isometric tiles, scenery, objects, etc? Please! I'm drowning in D&D Looney Tunes out here.
