Bleach Online is a turn-based adventure MMORPG based on the popular decade-spanning source material by legendary Mangaka Tite Kubo. The search for your forgotten memories begins after a millennia of injury-induced rest. At Captain Commander Yamamoto's request, you have been sent to the human world in an effort to reclaim those past experiences and even make some new ones alongside a colorful cast of characters including series protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki.
Business Model: Free-to-Play
Microtransactions: Yes, there are optional in-game purchases available.
Key Features:
Aizen Rises: Relive the best moments from the show across exciting battles and lively conversations.
Tactics Online: Strategically reposition your champions before a fight keeping in mind each Soul Reapers unique strengths and weaknesses.
Gear Grind: Push the limits of your power by collecting and endlessly refining items and equipment.
Done, On the Next One: Complete stage after stage to farm up Soul Points useful for unlocking devastating new abilities.
All In: Bring together and train up the best squad you can manage and take them to the competitive PVP arena where gold and glory await the victorious.