In Panzar, players command their character, chosen from 8 different classes, in fierce and ruthless combat. Each battle pits two teams of players against each other, fighting for victory in a variety of game modes, such as Siege, Domination or King of the Hill.
In stunningly beautiful combat, powered by CryEngine 3, Orcs, Elves, Dwarves and Humans all gather up to fight it out to see which team is left victorious. After every battle, players spend their hard-earned gold and experience to develop and improve their characters, making them all the more deadly for the next encounter.
Unique Twists to Familiar Modes: Don't let the names fool you, the CryEngine 3 has allowed Panzar to take wild takes on standard modes, including catapulting your own teammates into the enemy in King of the Hill, placing ramps to run up walls, and plenty more!
Crafting: Win fights to obtain materials and resources used to craft useful items and potions to supplement your power in future battles.
MMORPG Mentality: Find a character and stick to it! With a strong learning curve and RPG elements, you'll benefit from mastering a specific class.
Beautiful Graphics: This isn't your uncle's MOBA! Witness fluid combat and impressive animations and effects in large intense battles without worry for having to lower your graphics settings.