So this year we’re looking at quite a few remakes! So far we have Final Fantasy VII, Skyrim, Resident Evil 2 [So I hear], another version of FFX/X-2 [Steam] and now Bioshock! Isn’t there also a PS1 Dragon Quest game coming to 3DS? Oy. So, yeah. Bioshock’s trilogy is being remastered in 1080, with 60 FPS on all consoles, and is coming this year in just a couple of months. The first game dropped in 2007, and not all of the content will be coming from it. I heard that Bioshock 2’s multiplayer won’t be included, but it’s going to be a fancy looking set of games. But is it really necessary? It’s not like anybody forgot that Bioshock exists, did they? Well, maybe. Sometimes, I’m really excited for a remake of a console game so that people with newer-gen consoles can enjoy them in High Definition.
However, that’s usually because the games in question are PS2 and older! PS3 and Xbox 360 were the consoles that Bioshock were released on. To me, it reeks of “cash grab”, same as the Skyrim relaunch. Skyrim was so hideous that people had to release mods to make it look like it should instead of how it was. But Bioshock is different. The series does not look bad for when it came out, so instead of re-releasing something that maybe needs it, they are just looking for money it sounds like. That makes me sad. I understand that a company has to make money, so they can keep making games and support their lavish mansions and swimming pools filled with caviar and gold bullion. They didn’t even announce another game like Mass Effect: Andromeda. Then it kind of makes sense at least. “Hey, we’re dropping a new game in the franchise! Want to play what you missed on your shiny new console? Here, try this!” Instead, we get an announcement of “Hey, want a new version of a PS3 game? Sure you do!” Last year there were rumblings of a new Bioshock game, I hope this wasn’t it. Will it be pretty? Bet your ass it will. But do we really need a remake of all three games? Hell, Infinite only came out three years ago. Just a little food for thought.
Is there a classic you’d like to see remade?