A Story of the End: Revere – Kickstarter Update!

Revere - Editorial 2

Not too long ago, I wrote an editorial about “A Story of the End: Revere” which is currently in the process of being crowdfunded over on Kickstarter, which you can see right here. They’re working hard to meet their goal of 8,520 and after playing the demo, I wish them all the success in the world! They clued us in to an offer on their Kickstarter that I wanted to share with you guys, as a way of incentive. Specifically, the limited edition 7$ investment is a cheaper version of the game, which also comes with a cool physical keychain and a digital wallpaper. It’s a lovely story, and one I really want to see come to life, so I figured I’d let you guys know that it’s going on! It’s a world where the end has already happened, and a man seeking redemption journeys the world; it’s a fresh RPG tale with a retro visual look that I love. Want to try the demo before committing? I don’t blame you! You can click on the Kickstarter link, or just go right here!  It’s hard to get the funds to develop a video game, and indie teams can do just as amazing work as any AAA team, if given the funding and a chance.

Please consider taking a look at what work they’ve done, and if you can’t, share with friends that might be interested!

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