CityState Entertainment today released the third goal list for their upcoming third rendition to sandbox fantasy faction PvP MMORPG, Camelot Unchained. After pushing through two lists and successful (possibly record breaking) pre-alpha tests with Kickstarter backers, their third checklist seems to be the most ambitious by far.
Key features planned for implementation in this list include the first test of the crafter building system, as well as ability customization builder for offering classes more control of their tactical strikes than just about any target-based MMORPG prior. A full list of magic types and FX tech systems are on there as well and already checked off.
Those more concerned with the world and their role in it can rejoice to see multiple sections of the checklist dedicated to lore writes and rewrites, as well as initial implementation of character building systems to make sure your freaky beast runs smoothly with minimal clipping issues.
Catch the massive list here, but grab a nice hot tea as it’s quite a read through.