Fiesta: Level 105 Is Coming

The forces of Teva have traveled beyond the borders surrounding our familiar land and discovered new territory. Breathtaking landscapes, dark dungeons, and extravagant creatures await. Are you ready? Fetch your allies and sharpen your sword as you prepare to reach the new level cap in Fiesta, coming out this month. See some new screenshots on the Fiesta Online screenshots page. New content awaits!
New Gear and Skills
Isya’s finest artisans spared no expense with their latest creations. Archers, Clerics, Fighters and Mages will each find new armor sets and weapons to make them even deadlier forces of righteousness on the battlefield, while all classes have access to new, more powerful skills.
New Maps
Prepare to explore the newest regions of Isya! The Level 105 expansion features several new zones including the verdant Alberstol Ruins, the expansive Temple of Spirit and the deadly Swamp of Dawn. Brave adventurers will find additional challenges in Tear’s Marsh, while Isya’s most experienced warriors should head to Abysm Marsh for some intense player-versus-player battles.
New Monsters
Menacing Black Bears, crafty Caiman and the fierce Fire Taitan are just a few of the new monsters you will find in Fiesta’s latest expansion. Beware the Living Stone and Living Statues guarding the Temple of Spirit! Oh, and don’t forget Phouch. These giant bear-like creatures may look cute and cuddly, but don’t say we didn’t warn you. They pack a punch!

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