Age of Zombies, the perennial zombie shooter originally released in 2010, is on the receiving end of more dastardly experiments from Halfbrick’s Zombie Enthusiast Action Squad. This time, six updates are being released to the game within very quick succession – a particularly ghastly period of time called Zombie Month!
Kicking off the action on September 18 is the first update, adding local multiplayer. Two zombie hunters can blast through the game either using touch controls on the same device, or any supported game controller. These include the Logitech PowerShell, Razer Kazuyo and SteelSeries Stratus. For Android, controllers include the Nyko Playpad Pro, MOGA Pro Controller and Samsung Gamepad.
Best of all, the two playable characters are Barry Steakfries and the hero of the previous President Evil update – Abraham Lincoln!
As the month progresses, three title updates along with three updates served over the air will be available for players to enjoy. To keep track of the action, fans can visit which has all the latest news, video and giveaways. Halfbrick is running daily contests for t-shirts, limited edition artwork and even gear from Nvidia and Razer.
More to come. Zombies to shoot. Wisecracks to crack. Age of Zombies lives forever!
For more info, visit