Mega Man Inspired Roguelike 20XX Beta Launch September 15

Mega Man Inspired Roguelike 20XX  Beta Launch September 15 news header

Batterystaple and Firehose Games are happy to announce Tuesday, September 15th 20XX is leaving alpha on Steam early access and headed into beta!

20XX is a game built to feel like Mega Man X, but with procedurally generated levels, random powerups, permanent death, and multiplayer.

The game uses a procedural level generation algorithm that builds levels from a certain number of mechanics at a time; switching rapidly between playing like an action game and playing like a platformer, mixing precision jumping with fevered combat.

Add in permadeath and over 100 powerups to find in between agonizing deaths and you’ve got hours of nail-biting jumping-and-shooting goodness on your hands.

Also, 20XX features full co-op. Play with your buddy on the couch or over the interwebs.

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