OnRPG Shotgun News 3/7: Neverwinter, World of Tanks, Dragon’s Prophet, and Much More!
By Shannon Doyle (Leliah), OnRPG Elder Scribe
GW2 Deal of the Day 3/7: Top Hat
Neverwinter Beta Weekend Features More Everything
More people, more zones, more levels, more everything will be at the Neverwinter beta test this weekend. Thousands of new people will be joining the beta as more invitations go out and lifetime subscribers to STO and Champions Online. A fourth class, Control Wizard will be available for people to play for the first time. This is in addition to new zones, and a raised level cap of 40. All of this is in addition to access to the Foundry. It’s going to be a busy weekend, be sure to check back next week for Ardua’s review of all the fun.
Major League Gaming Winter Championship
The MLG Winter Championship is wisely being held in the relatively warm Dallas, Texasover the weekend of March 15th. Black Ops II, League of Legends, and Starcraft II will all be played for $170,000 in prizes. Best of all spectators can buy their tickets now on the MLG website.
Dust 514 Talks Dropsuits
A new four minute long video has been released by CCP, the developers of Dust 514. It goes through dropsuits and fittings available in Dust 514. Plus the news that more dropsuits are being worked on. Have a look at the video for yourself below.
Rixty Gets More Partnerships
For anyone who has been using Rixty to pay for their games there is exciting new as Rixty partners with Wargaming, CCP, and Meteor Entertainment. The payment system is available everywhere from Walmart to 7-11 as well as locations all over the world.
World of Tanks 8.4 Introduces New British Tank Destroyers
Update 8.4 was released yesterday in Europe, is due for release today in North America andSoutheast Asia. With it rolls in all new British tank destroyers. That isn’t all though, there’s also a new revamped combat tutorial mode and four battle arenas that have been overhauled with new visuals.
The Aurora World Launches Closed Beta
GBE Games’ fantasy MMORPG The Aurora World has entered the closed beta phase. And to celebrate this a video competition is being held. Five videos will be chosen as the best, four will win $100 worth of in game currency and the grand prize winner will receive an awesome Razer prize pack.
Dragon’s Prophet Reveals New Starting Zone
Satuma is the second starting zone in Infernum’s Dragon’s Prophet. It contains more than 200 quests and reaches to level 30. It is mostly wide open plains surrounded by high mountains and many battles were fought here during the First Dragon War.
Darkfall Unholy Wars Reveals Character Progression
Character progression in Darkfall Unholy Wars will involve Prowess Points. Prowess Points can be earned through experiences, victories and achievements. Which means most interactions will give prowess points and it will limit the need for grinding.