R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud – New Dungeon Awaits

R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud – New Dungeon Awaits

Online PC game publisher YNK Interactive today announced an expansion to their MMORPG, R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud, by adding a new Dungeon called, “Ronelia”.

Dungeon Ronelia Rohan Blood Feud


“Ronelia is a special treat to our high level players who will definitely enjoy the challenge that awaits them in the new dungeon,” said Derrick Lee, YNK Interactive Game Lead. “This is only the beginning of what we have coming in 2010 for R.O.H.A.N.: Blood Feud.”
Ronelia is a challenging new map designed for players with higher level characters, which has three main areas: The Courtyard, Underground Cell, and Castle.  Along with new mobs, bosses, items, and dozens of new quests obtainable at level 75 or above, this dungeon will soon be a popular new hunting ground in the world of R.O.H.A.N.

Tough Defense Ronelia Dungeon Rohan


Dungeon Torture Rohan Ronelia


Guards Defending Ronelia Dungeon


Ronelia Palace Castle Courtyard


Palace Interioar Ronelia Rohan


King Throne Missing Rohan Ronelia


Prayer Temple Palace Rohan Ronelia


Encounter Mobs in Ronelia Rohan



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