Event Title: Recycling Waste Campaign
Event Date: 12 Dec, 15 Dec, 18 Dec 2007
Event Time: Base on GM In-game Broadcast
Event Storyline:
With the aim of build up students environment care awareness, The Student Director has organizing a waste management and recycling campaign. Students who willing to collect waste in the schools will get chance to exchange rare items from the organizer, as to encourage and ensuring a widespread increase in recycling awareness.
Come & join us to take care of the green world!
Items List:
50 Old books exchange + 9 Dragon Ring (15D) ( tradable )
30 Ancient books exchange Caribbean Wear M(7D) or Dynamic Wear F(7D)
30 Broken Empty Bottle echange Sorrow Tiger(7D)
For more details: http://ran.myrosso.com/en/events_071212_recycle.asp
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