Their official thread at
Rose Online has been a part of the Gravity family suite of game titles for several years now. We are going to update ROSE’s subscription model to attract more users than ever before.
On July 29 we will be turning the servers over to Free to Play where all accounts in good standing may log in.
On July 15 we have removed the payment page from the Website. From July 15 through July 29 new subscriptions creation will be unavailable.
It is advised that all Players who utilize the paypal re-occurring subscription model, login to paypal and cancel the re-occurring payment. We will automatically be canceling all remaining re-occurring payments (to not re-occur), around the 22nd.
Any Remaining Subscription time will be credited 60 Mileage points per day (1800/month) that is left of the current subscription Figured from the beginning of the Tuesday maintenance, 10am PDT July 29, 2008.
If you have friends that want to play ROSE but were concerned with the subscription cost now is a great time to invite them to join you on your adventure!
This will be a bright new beginning for ROSE online, come and join us!
Thank you,
Gravity Interactive, Inc.