Voyage Century Online: New Treasure Hunt System Feeds Your Anticipation of Expedition

The Voyage Century Online team from IGG wants to teach you a little about the newly-developed sea treasure hunting system in the game. So, what is the difference between the sea treasure hunt system and the land treasure hunt system? Let’s take a look.

Since the sea treasure hunt system was added to the game to assist players’ in hunting treasure, and it has won praise from among players. Let’s take a close look at the difference between the sea treasure hunt system and land treasure hunt system below.

Treasure hunting?
The sea treasure hunting system was developed in the style of land treasure hunt system. The land treasure hunt system is much more fully developed and widely used in game than the sea treasure hunt system.
To be more specific, the land treasure hunt system is related to a character’s reputation, high level materials and special items. Players need this system to speed their characters’ progression. The sea treasure hunt system gets a jump on the convenience provided to players to make them discover and obtain high level gear without taking their time to collect materials. It can be said that the sea treasure hunt system is developed based on and used to complement the land treasure hunt system to facilitate players’ exploring and discovering.

How to open the Treasure Chest
The treasure chest in the land treasure hunt system can be directly opened without a key. While the treasure chest from the sea treasure hunt system must be opened with a key which can be got with score cards.

Items in the Treasure Chest
Treasure in the sea treasure hunt system falls into 8 different levels and are named after pirates, like Babarosa II’s Precious Deposits or William Kidd’s Precious Deposits. Players can get useful items that are sold in the mall and high level gear from treasure at each level.
According to the survey IGG conducted, the top 5 items players dream to get from the treasure buried under the sea are as follows: Black Skeleton Jewelry, Sea Wolf Jewelry, Instant Jewelry, Future Fighter Charm and Black Dragon Equipment . These items are in large quantity and will be accordingly easy to get.
It takes players no effort to get Treasure Map Pieces in the Open Sea. Besides it is sold at a low price in the Mall. Therefore, both starters and veteran players can have a go seeking their luck and treasure with the sea treasure hunt system.
Now it is the time to set sail for adventure and buried treasure,

For more details visit the official site
Voyage Century (, a 3D MMORPG from IGG (, prides itself on its real world geography, historical design, and eye-catching graphics, and continues to impress its extraordinarily loyal players and fans.

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