What’s New This Week!

It’s the pet that we have been waiting for!

The Kitty is now in the cashshop for 7 days!!

On a personal note, I love the kitty!! The kitty is cute and adorable! This kitty doesn.t require a litter box change either. 😉

The Kitty will be available for 7 days for only 2700 gPotatos! Get one before its too late.


We have Extended Maintenance today.

Maintenance will run from

* San Jose

U.S.A. – California – PDT
Wednesday, May 30th, 7:00 PM ~ Thursday May 31st, 5:00 AM
* New York

U.S.A. – New York – EDT
Wednesday, May 30th, 10:00 PM ~ Thursday May 31st, 8:00 AM
* Greenwich Mean Time – GMT(NOT BST)

Thursday May 31st, 2:00 AM ~ Thursday May 31st, 12:00 PM

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