Zu Online: 3600 Seconds

Zu Online (http://zu.igg.com/), a 3D MMORPG from IGG (www.igg.com), has been warmly welcomed by all manner of players due to its unique theme and traditional oriental features.
IGG has sent over an overview of what a player can do within the first hour they start Zu Online.
There are 3600 seconds in an hour. In 3600 seconds, you can’t finish a movie or even take a bus! But in Zu Online, a 3D game based on immortal beings, you will experience fun, passion, action and adventure in 3600 seconds.
Within the first 20 minutes, you will uncover more and more surprises. Protected from harm by a special novice forcefield, you can familiarize yourself with the Zu world and advance through the levels. If you reach level 30, your pet will be able to transport you wherever you desire mounted on its back.
Within the first 40 minutes, you will receive warm invites from other players – some may want to become your mentor, some may want to offer help, and you may even be able to find love with one of the other players in the game.

Within the first 60 minutes, you might be invited to join a guild. Guilds are always looking to expand their membership and occupy larger areas – you should choose wisely, as your guild will be like your family as you progress in the game. You might even emerge as a deciding force in the ongoing guild wars.

In just the first hour, you get a taste of so much that Zu Online has to offer. You will not only learn how to play the game, but immediately get involved in the splendid world of Zu Online. It’s the immortal kung-fu adventure you’ve been seeking – Zu Online.

For more details, click http://zu.igg.com/news/newscon.php?aid=944

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