Ragnarok 2 Celebrates First Anniversary With Events, Quests, & More

Ragnarok 2 Jump Event

WarpPortal is proud to announce their one year anniversary of the launch of  Ragnarok Online 2: Advent of Valkyrie, their MMORPG sequel to the longstanding Ragnarok Online. The game will be celebrating its one-year anniversary on Thursday, May 1st. The game will hold a series of in-game events, sales, and rewards to mark this important occasion.


To celebrate the game’s success, Ragnarok 2: Advent of Valkyrie players will be treated to a variety of in-game events and sales:

  • Class Balance: First of two patches implemented on April 23rd to balance out all 12 classes and improve gameplay
  • 1 Year Anniversary Event: Unique event that takes the player into familiar zones to re-visit their beginnings, provides new monsters, and special rewards.
  • Anniversary Letter Collection: Hunt monsters and earn letters to turn in for unique rewards and useful items!
  • Birthday Blow-Out Sales!: 5 weeks of special sales that will provide discounts for all the items within the Kafra Shop!
  • Welcome Back, Midgardians!: Special rewards for returning players, and new rewards for active players to earn through the months of May and June!
  • Jump to New Heights: Players who sign up for our newsletter will get one, free character jump to level 50 in June!


Warpportal’s Jump to New Heights event aims to reward fans of Ragnarok 2: Advent of Valkyrie with one, free character jump to level 50. Players only need to sign up for the Warpportal newsletter in the Warpportal account management page here, click “edit”, sign up for the newsletter, verify their account, and they will be given a chance to jump one, new character to level 50 in June. The newly jumped character will be given a box of useful armor and weapons, and will be all set to dive into the master level content of Morroc!

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