Legend of Mir: Three

Not many games I know have the “Umphh” factor, you know the feeling when you play you just want to play on forever? Well this game has it. Following from the prequals, Mir 3 delivers mind blowing intelligent play.

In Mir 3, the company Game Network have nothing to do with this enticing game. The game is run by Quality Games Online a group of gamers who want their members to enjoy their games. The customer support is 24 hours and helps through the hard times playing the game.

So, I hear you say, what’s Mir3? Well obviously it’s an MMORPG and quite an excellent one at that. Although 2D graphics….what do you mean your not touching a 2D game with a 10 foot stick? This isn’t one of the SNES look a like games I promise. I myself think that although the 2D graphics, it looks pretty slick.

Lag is an important issue with most games and I’m happy to say their has been so little lag for me I could compare it to real life. Although some players suffer from Sticky Feet (Where you get stuck in the same place for a while) It’s pretty rare so don’t worry about it.

With the graphics and lag issue sorted out I think we need to move on to the biggest thing since the BIG BANG, gameplay. Now as I said this game has the “Umphh” factor, they knew what the gamers wanted and gave it to us in small bits just to keep us interested.

The begginers quest start you off through the Land of Mir doing slight errands for Non Playable Characters (NPC’s) After that phase is done you can go off to explore, the community is great so although the line “I R NOOB GIVE ME GOLD PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ” doesn’t work well they’re sure to help you out.

The three classes are unique and very balanced such as:

Warrior: Strong and Muscle Bound, Meléé character
Sorcerer: Loads of mana to help him through the tough times and spell cast his way to victory

Taoist: New character among MMORPG’s but a great one. He’s more of a party character, the medium guy. He can do meléé and some magic.

With so many skills and spells your bound to be gagging for more whilst you get those levels up to become the best. But first their is an agonising choice to make after downloading. Which server? Well here are the characteristics for each server:

Ignis: The “busy” server a lot more than Gelu.

Gelu: The “quiet” server, some say it’s a very much more calm server than Ignis.

Making an account on the site is easy. The site itself is very user friendly and you really can’t go wrong with it. Tip of my hat to the Webmaster (Detomah) for the site and forum. Oh and about the forum it’s easy functional with great moderators who know what they’re doing. Their are so many people on the forum, it’s a great place for meeting others so go round their and say your hello’s when you’ve made your hello’s!

The site doesn’t actually give requirements to the game and they don’t need to. Anyone with an internet connection should be able to play the game without trouble, no top of the line PC required!!!!!

Well to sum it up Mir 3 is a great game, wait an excellent game. Worth of 10/10? No I wouldn’t say that although I haven’t included anything bad about the game I’d just have to take 1 off for the graphics. Keep up the good work QGO and I hope after reading this you will slobber over the link given.


Ps: The Europe team have been nice enough to let anyone from any country play ;).


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